Changes in Body & Physique

I’ve been feeling low about my physique lately because I’m not where I used to be. Not to mention the added stress and anxiety from the small but irritating health issues that have been randomly popping up for me this year. But then a friend helped me realize that you don’t look the same year round. Your body is constantly changing and changes throughout the year. It’s almost impossible for the average person to look the same year round. I was extremely motivated before summer to look my best for the beach and pool parties! During summer I was out and about eating and drinking all the delicious summer foods while vacationing and taking advantage of the good weather. Now that summer’s come to and end, I’ve noticed I’ve lost my tone and gained a little more fat in a few areas. BUT THAT’S OKAY. IT HAPPENS. Most of us are not body builders or bikini competitors who track their macros year round! Your body changes like the seasons and sometimes changes alongside the seasons!! I thank my friend for helping me realize this. 

Aside from the obvious factors that contribute to your body changing like physical activity and diet, there are other reasons your body changes that people tend to forget. I’ve listed a couple or them below.

  1. Hormone Fluctuations
  2. Injuries 
  3. Stress & Anxiety
  4. Genetics 
  5. Health 
  6. Weather & Environment 
  7. Vacations & Studying Abroad 

So if you find yourself wishing that you look and feel like a time in the past.. don’t sweat and don’t be so hard on yourself! You most definitely can get back there if you stay focused and work hard! The important thing is to stay happy and view everything in an optimistic light. If you were there before, you can get there again. Having something to work towards is exciting! 


Follow my fitness journey on instagram @fitwithtania

Time vs. Character

“You can meet somebody tomorrow who has better intentions for you than someone you’ve known forever. Time means nothing. Character does.”

I came across this quote a few days ago and really like it. For the longest time I’ve been blaming myself for other people’s’ actions and behavior, almost like I had a duty to keep them mature and civil. When I wasn’t successful, it would stress me out and give my anxiety over the thought of losing friendships or connections. In the end, I began to wonder if those connections were even worth it. Was it worth all that time, stress, and effort to hold onto something that wasn’t moving forward? What other people say and do is out of my control. People can say positive things or try to justify themselves, but it means nothing if their actions don’t compliment their words. Actions do speak louder than words. Don’t always put value over how long you’ve known someone. Their character and how they treat you is more valuable. Time is just an add on to the value of a relationship. Character > Time.


Legs & Core – HIIT Workout

I love holidays because the gym is so empty! I don’t have to wait around to use equipment or constantly be smelling other people… gross! Here is my HIIT workout I did on Saturday.

Warm Up
10 minutes on elliptical at speed of 6.0 with level 3 incline

After each circuit, take a 1 to 2 minute rest before starting the next one.

Circuit 1: (Complete x2 nonstop)
1. Squat press w/ 8lbs (x12)
2. Leg Lifts (x20)
3. Knee Ups on Stool w/ 8lbs each hand (x12 each leg)
4. Circle Leg Lifts (x20)

Circuit 2: (Complete x2 nonstop)
1. Sumo Squats w/ 15lbs (x12)
2. Standing Side Crunch w/ 10lbs (x20 each side)
3. Jumping Jacks (x50)
4. Russian Twists w/ 10lbs (x40 total)

Circuit 3: (Complete x2 nonstop)
1. Squat Press w/ 8lbs (x12)
2. Bicycle Crunches (x40 tota)
3. Step Ups on Stool w/ 8lbs each hand (x12 each leg)
4. Reverse Dumbbell Crunch w/ 6lbs (x15)

Circuit 4: (Complete nonstop) Notice the weight increase. The exercises stay the same.
1. Cable Twist “Woodchopper” 7.5lbs (x15 each side)
2. Donkey Kicks w/ 6lbs (x15 each leg)
3. Cable Twist “Woodchopper” 12.5lbs (x15 each side)
4. Donkey Kicks w/ 8lbs (x15 each leg)
5. Cable Twist “Woodchopper” 17.5lbs (x15 each side)
6. Donkey Kicks w/ 10lbs (x15 each leg)

Stretch it out!

I hope everything makes sense! If you have any questions feel free to comment or DM me on instagram! Remember, if you find yourself struggling too hard, you can always modify exercises to fit your comfortability level. Or take it slower. Just make sure you keep moving. Make your heart work hard and challenge yourself and your body!

