Outdoor Partner Workout w/ Citrus&Gold

I had a super fun weekend collaborating with Akansha Agarwal from Citrus and Gold. It’s only fitting that my first collaboration be with Akansha, since she she inspired me to start a fitness blog.

For our collaboration we completed a full body workout with 7 body-weight partner exercises that can be done anywhere. All you need is each other! This workout may take anywhere from 30 minutes to 90 minutes. It should be fun so don’t forget to smile, laugh, and enjoy being active together! 

Check out our workout below and don’t forget to follow Akansha’s blog and Instagram! Also, check out a quickie video of our workout here. Yes I know, we could have better form… but we were having too much fun to notice! Haha oops!

Leg Raise Throw Down
2 sets each partner with 10-15 reps.
Lie on your back on the floor with your legs fully extended out in front of you. Your partner should stand with one foot on either side of your head with her knees slightly bent. Hold your partner’s ankles and lift both of your legs up together. Your partner will push your feet from your ankles back to parallel level with the floor. Don’t let your legs touch the floor.







Wheel-Barrow Push up & Squat
2 sets each partner with 10 reps
Stand with your feet apart in a sumo squat stance with your partner’s ankles resting on your upper thigh/lower hip. Your partner should be in push-up position with you hold her ankles. Allow your partner to complete a push-up, then you complete a squat.

Plank Burpees
2 sets each partner with 5-10 reps (5-10 burpees)
Hold a plank position and have your partner jump over your legs and complete a burpee. Your partner should then jump over your legs again and complete another burpee.

Leg Lift Hold & Jump
2 sets each partner with 15 jumps total
Lie on on the floor with your back flat on the ground and legs extended. Lift your legs off the ground around 35 degrees. You can place your hands under your glutes for more support. Have your partner jump over your legs side-ways 15 times.

Glute Bridge
3 sets with 5-10 reps
Have you and your partner lie on your backs with your feet up, knees bent 90 degrees. Rest your feet against each others and push. Use the push to help lift your glutes off the ground. Put your arms flat on the floor next to you for support. Squeeze your glutes at the top!

Jump Lunge & Clap
3 sets with 15 reps total
Perform a lunge and jump into the next lunge. After jumping into the lunge, clap your partner’s hand. Repeat by jumping into the next lunge with the other foot. You and your partner should have alternating feet i.e. while your right leg is behind you, her right leg should be in front of her.

Push Ups
3 sets with 10 reps
Get into push-up position with your legs wide apart and have your partner hold your ankles. Complete a push up at the same time.

I hope you all enjoy the workout and don’t forget to follow my fitness Instagram here for more fun and exciting workouts, healthy meals, and my fitness journey!

At Home HIIT Workout

It was pouring all day today and I had no motivation to drive to the gym through the crazy wind and rain. So I came up with a quick 30 minute HIIT workout to do at home. On days where I don’t feel like leaving the house, I put together quick routines like this to stay active! I hope my exercise explanations make sense! 

Complete the exercises for 10 reps each, nonstop for 7 minutes. Complete the circuit 4 times with a 1 minute rest in between each set.

Walk down + Superman
Standing straight, bend down and use your hands to walk out until you’re in a push-up stance. Use your arms to come down so you’re lying on the ground, as a half push-up. Put your arms straight forward. While looking straight, lift your arms and legs off the group so only your hips and stomach are touching the ground. Push-up to get off the ground and walk backwards with your hands until you’re standing straight again.


Push Up + Roll
Perform a regular push up. When up, take your right arm and extend it up in the air as you turn body towards the right. For balance, bring your right foot behind your left foot. Bring your right arm back to the ground and complete a push up. Complete the same exercise for the left side.


Front Squat + Side Lift
Perform a front squat. Stand back up and lift your right leg up to the side. Perform another squat and lift your left leg up to the side.


Plank Jacks + Mountain Climbers 
Start off in a plank position. Open and close both legs in a jumping motion two times. Once your legs are together, rotate your legs coming towards your chest and back out in a running motion 3 times total.


Jumping Jacks + Sumo Squat
Perform two jumping jacks followed by a sumo squat. Squat with your feet wider apart. Be sure to not let your knee pass your toes.


There you have it! A great in-door HIIT workout to stay active! Check out a quick video of the workout here on my instagram!

Don’t forget to follow me on my fitness instagram @fitwithtania!


HIIT Cardio Workout: Treadmill & Stairmaster

This is the first time I’ve done HIIT on the stair master and thought I’d post my workout for all of you to try! It’s the same structure as the HIIT workouts I do on the treadmill. Enjoy but be ready to sweat a waterfall!

Warm Up:
Swing your legs around (Not joking!)

Incline / Speed / Minutes
15 / 3.0 / 2
15 / 5.0 / 1
13 / 2.8 / 2
13 / 5.2 / 1
10 / 3.0 / 2
10 / 5.4 / 1
8 / 3.0 / 2
8 / 5.8 / 1
6 / 2.8 / 2
6 / 6.0 / 1
Cool Down

Stair Master:
For the stair master I alternated between level 5 and 10 for 2 minutes and then 1 minute. I’ll write it down below to visualize.
Level/Speed // Minutes
5 // 2
10 // 1
5 // 2
10 // 1
5 // 2
10 // 1
5 // 2
10 // 1
5 // 2
10 // 1
5 // 2
10 // 1
5 // 2

Let me know if you try this workout out and definitely let me know what you thought of it! It was tough but put me in the best of moods after a miserable day!


Follow my fitness journey where I post about my healthy fitness routines @fitwithtania

Why I Decided to Start a Fitness Instagram and Blog

Happiness is something I’ve always been struggling to find and was part of the reason I decided to start my fitness journey a little under 2 years ago. I hoped to find my happiness through consistently exercising and eating healthy, since it seemed to be working for all the fitness enthusiasts I followed on social media. Once I indulged in this lifestyle, I realized that happiness is not something you find, it’s something you create. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been content with my life and the amazing and supportive people in it. But there have been intense moments of high stress, anxiety, and insecurities.


It began when I started following various fitness instagram accounts and fitness influencers like Katya Henry, Alyssa (Fittlyss), Kayla Itsines, and Emily Skye. Every morning while eating breakfast and every night before going to bed, I would scroll through my feed and read their empowering posts. Their posts slowly gave me motivation to take the next step in changing my attitude towards my life. I decided to make exercise and eating healthy a lifestyle rather than a temporary aberration. Their posts inspired me to take on living a happier and healthier life by creating a lifestyle involving fitness. I’m the only one who has the power to control my life, so I took action. Through this lifestyle my attitude changed and I started to view things in a more optimistic light. My mental health also improved, my strength increased, and I just felt better overall. My confidence skyrocketed and I began to push myself to take on other challenges in life like progressing with my Youtube singing covers, and becoming more proactive in networking in and outside of work.


The feelings and attitude I gained from this lifestyle change truly are some of the greatest feelings and I wanted to share it with others. I wanted to inspire and motivate others like how Katya, Kayla, Alyssa, and Emily did for me! So I created my fitness instagram and, later fitness blog, in hopes to be able to reach out to others and encourage them to create their own happiness instead of chasing it.

I want to create a community of bright and encouraging people full of love and kindness! I want us to all empower and support each other, because there is way too much hate in this world than should be. When I post on my instagram, I’m not trying to show off or make anyone feel bad about themselves. I’m trying to reach out to make others want to get up and do something active with their bodies and life while alongside, keeping track of my own fitness progress. Posting also motivates me to stay consistent and active with my own fitness goals and routines!

img_3606Social media has the amazing power to connect people and bring people together, creating communities of literally anything and everything! I’ve made a bunch of inspiring connections through instagram and it’s created so many new friendships for me! So join me in creating a community of like minded people full of smiles and good vibes who have a passion for fitness and creating happiness amongst themselves and others! Let’s go Fit Family!

Follow my journey @fitwithtania


Changes in Body & Physique

I’ve been feeling low about my physique lately because I’m not where I used to be. Not to mention the added stress and anxiety from the small but irritating health issues that have been randomly popping up for me this year. But then a friend helped me realize that you don’t look the same year round. Your body is constantly changing and changes throughout the year. It’s almost impossible for the average person to look the same year round. I was extremely motivated before summer to look my best for the beach and pool parties! During summer I was out and about eating and drinking all the delicious summer foods while vacationing and taking advantage of the good weather. Now that summer’s come to and end, I’ve noticed I’ve lost my tone and gained a little more fat in a few areas. BUT THAT’S OKAY. IT HAPPENS. Most of us are not body builders or bikini competitors who track their macros year round! Your body changes like the seasons and sometimes changes alongside the seasons!! I thank my friend for helping me realize this. 

Aside from the obvious factors that contribute to your body changing like physical activity and diet, there are other reasons your body changes that people tend to forget. I’ve listed a couple or them below.

  1. Hormone Fluctuations
  2. Injuries 
  3. Stress & Anxiety
  4. Genetics 
  5. Health 
  6. Weather & Environment 
  7. Vacations & Studying Abroad 

So if you find yourself wishing that you look and feel like a time in the past.. don’t sweat and don’t be so hard on yourself! You most definitely can get back there if you stay focused and work hard! The important thing is to stay happy and view everything in an optimistic light. If you were there before, you can get there again. Having something to work towards is exciting! 


Follow my fitness journey on instagram @fitwithtania

Legs & Core – HIIT Workout

I love holidays because the gym is so empty! I don’t have to wait around to use equipment or constantly be smelling other people… gross! Here is my HIIT workout I did on Saturday.

Warm Up
10 minutes on elliptical at speed of 6.0 with level 3 incline

After each circuit, take a 1 to 2 minute rest before starting the next one.

Circuit 1: (Complete x2 nonstop)
1. Squat press w/ 8lbs (x12)
2. Leg Lifts (x20)
3. Knee Ups on Stool w/ 8lbs each hand (x12 each leg)
4. Circle Leg Lifts (x20)

Circuit 2: (Complete x2 nonstop)
1. Sumo Squats w/ 15lbs (x12)
2. Standing Side Crunch w/ 10lbs (x20 each side)
3. Jumping Jacks (x50)
4. Russian Twists w/ 10lbs (x40 total)

Circuit 3: (Complete x2 nonstop)
1. Squat Press w/ 8lbs (x12)
2. Bicycle Crunches (x40 tota)
3. Step Ups on Stool w/ 8lbs each hand (x12 each leg)
4. Reverse Dumbbell Crunch w/ 6lbs (x15)

Circuit 4: (Complete nonstop) Notice the weight increase. The exercises stay the same.
1. Cable Twist “Woodchopper” 7.5lbs (x15 each side)
2. Donkey Kicks w/ 6lbs (x15 each leg)
3. Cable Twist “Woodchopper” 12.5lbs (x15 each side)
4. Donkey Kicks w/ 8lbs (x15 each leg)
5. Cable Twist “Woodchopper” 17.5lbs (x15 each side)
6. Donkey Kicks w/ 10lbs (x15 each leg)

Stretch it out!

I hope everything makes sense! If you have any questions feel free to comment or DM me on instagram! Remember, if you find yourself struggling too hard, you can always modify exercises to fit your comfortability level. Or take it slower. Just make sure you keep moving. Make your heart work hard and challenge yourself and your body!



Weekend Outdoor Track HIIT Workout

I’ve started to enjoy going outdoors and working out on the track and field of nearby high schools. It’s something fun and different and keeps working out exiting! Here is a killer HIIT workout I did this weekend. I hope it makes sense!

Warm up
-Jog 1 lap around track

HIIT Circuit 1: (Complete 3 times)
-Run up and down stairs on bleachers 4 times (2 up, 2 down)
-Jog half a lap
-Run up and down stairs on bleachers 4 times (2 up, 2 down)
-Jog half a lap
-1 minute rest

HIIT Circuit 2: (Complete 2 times)
-Jog ¼ of track
-Sprint ¼ of track
-Jog ¼ of track
-Walk ¼ of track
-1 minutes rest

HIIT Circuit 3: (7 minutes non-stop)
-Squat Jumps (x10)
-Mountain Climbers (x40 each leg)
-Jumping Jacks (x30)
-Bicycle Crunches (x40 total)

End your workout with a slow cool down and stretch for 10 minutes!

Don’t forget to follow me on instagram and facebook! 


Lower Body & Core – Friday Fun HIIT Workout

This Friday I wanted to do something different at the gym. I wanted to do something random that would keep me excited for my workout and the weekend!

Incline / Speed / Minutes
15 / 3.0 / 2
15 / 5.0 / 1
13 / 2.8 / 2
13 / 5.4 / 1
0 / 2.8 / 2

Lower Body & Core Circuit (x2 non stop)
1. Squat Press w/ 10lbs kettlebell (x12)
2. Leg Lifts (x20)
3. Cross Over Steps w/ Stool (x50 total)
4. Bicycle Crunches (x40 total)
5. Knee Ups w/ 8lbs each hand (x12 each leg)
6. Jack Knife Crunches (x20)

Complete at own time but with minimal rest lengths in any order! Do 2 sets of all the exercises listed below.

1. Squat and Press w/ 10lbs kettlebell on Bosu Ball (x10)
2. Lunges w/ 8lbs each hand, one leg on Bosu Ball (x10 each leg)
3. Sumo Squats w/ 15lbs kettlebell (x10)
4. Circle Leg Raises (x20)
5. Russian Twists w/ 10lbs (x40)
6. V-Ups (x20)

End workout with some good stretching from 10-15 minutes!

Don’t forget to follow me on facebook and instagram!

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