Why I Decided to Start a Fitness Instagram and Blog

Happiness is something I’ve always been struggling to find and was part of the reason I decided to start my fitness journey a little under 2 years ago. I hoped to find my happiness through consistently exercising and eating healthy, since it seemed to be working for all the fitness enthusiasts I followed on social media. Once I indulged in this lifestyle, I realized that happiness is not something you find, it’s something you create. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always been content with my life and the amazing and supportive people in it. But there have been intense moments of high stress, anxiety, and insecurities.


It began when I started following various fitness instagram accounts and fitness influencers like Katya Henry, Alyssa (Fittlyss), Kayla Itsines, and Emily Skye. Every morning while eating breakfast and every night before going to bed, I would scroll through my feed and read their empowering posts. Their posts slowly gave me motivation to take the next step in changing my attitude towards my life. I decided to make exercise and eating healthy a lifestyle rather than a temporary aberration. Their posts inspired me to take on living a happier and healthier life by creating a lifestyle involving fitness. I’m the only one who has the power to control my life, so I took action. Through this lifestyle my attitude changed and I started to view things in a more optimistic light. My mental health also improved, my strength increased, and I just felt better overall. My confidence skyrocketed and I began to push myself to take on other challenges in life like progressing with my Youtube singing covers, and becoming more proactive in networking in and outside of work.


The feelings and attitude I gained from this lifestyle change truly are some of the greatest feelings and I wanted to share it with others. I wanted to inspire and motivate others like how Katya, Kayla, Alyssa, and Emily did for me! So I created my fitness instagram and, later fitness blog, in hopes to be able to reach out to others and encourage them to create their own happiness instead of chasing it.

I want to create a community of bright and encouraging people full of love and kindness! I want us to all empower and support each other, because there is way too much hate in this world than should be. When I post on my instagram, I’m not trying to show off or make anyone feel bad about themselves. I’m trying to reach out to make others want to get up and do something active with their bodies and life while alongside, keeping track of my own fitness progress. Posting also motivates me to stay consistent and active with my own fitness goals and routines!

img_3606Social media has the amazing power to connect people and bring people together, creating communities of literally anything and everything! I’ve made a bunch of inspiring connections through instagram and it’s created so many new friendships for me! So join me in creating a community of like minded people full of smiles and good vibes who have a passion for fitness and creating happiness amongst themselves and others! Let’s go Fit Family!

Follow my journey @fitwithtania


5 Circuit Killer HIIT Workout

Today I completed a killer 5 circuit workout when normally I only do 4 circuits! Half way through I felt like throwing up, but I kept pushing because I was so motivated to finish! I definitely don’t recommend doing workouts so intense they make you feel like or actually throw up, but I was so into this one I had to finish!

Circuit 1: Treadmill
Incline / Speed / Minutes
15 / 3.0 / 2
15 / 5.0 / 1
12 / 3.0 / 2
12 / 5.0 / 1
0 / 2.8 / 2

Circuit 2: Legs & Abs (7 minutes nonstop)
Squat and Press w/ 8lbs (x12)
Leg Lifts (x20)
Knee Up with Lounges (x12 each leg)
Bicycle Crunches (x40)
1 Minute Rest

Circuit 3: Arms & Abs (7 minutes nonstop)
Push ups (x12)
X Crunches (x30 total)
Tricep Dips (x12)
Regular Crunches (x40)
1 Minute Rest

Circuit 4: Legs & Abs (7 minutes nonstop)
Cross Over Steps w/ Stepping Stool (x40 total)
Heel Touches (x40)
Jump Squats (x20)
Russian Twists w/ 8 lbs (x40)
Step Ups w/ 6lbs each hand (x12 each leg)
1 Minute Rest

Circuit 5: Arms & Shoulders (7 minutes nonstop)
Overhead Tricep Extension w/ 6lbs (x12)
Jumping Jacks (x50)
Bicep Curls w/ 5lbs (x12 each arm)
Shoulder Press w/ 5lb Dumbbells (x10)

Don’t forget to follow me on facebook and instagram!
