Not Sweating When Working Out?

Not sweating when working out is a common issue a lot of people come across, even when they know they are working their body and muscles hard! There could be a number of reasons why you’re not sweating when weight lifting or completing cardio, and sometimes it can vary depending on your what you ate/drink that day or how crowded the gym is (waiting to use machines + gym traffic). I’ve come up with a few tips based on my personal experience and knowledge on this topic!


  1. Increase the Difficulty Level
    If you’re not challenging yourself enough, you won’t sweat enough! For weight training, try lifting a little heavier to make your body work hard. For cardio, try adding resistance like inclines or increase the speed. 
  2. Take Shorter Rests
    If your rests in between sets are too long even if you lift heavy, you probably won’t sweat as much. In order to sweat, you need to keep your heart rate up, so do more reps with a shorter rest/break period. 
  3. Change the Order
    If gym traffic is high, switch the order or your exercises to prevent long breaks and waiting around for a machine. I know some people get frustrated when they need to switch their order, but hey… gotta do what you gotta do to keep your heart rate up! 
  4. Switch It Up
    If you complete the same exercises every time you go to the gym, you’re body will eventually get used to the workout and difficulty level. You need to constantly be introducing your body to new exercises and new challenges to maintain a high metabolism that’ll get you sweating each time! 
  5. Drink More Fluids
    Drink more fluids before, during, and after you workout. If you don’t drink enough water or other liquids, you’re body won’t have any fluids to sweat off! 
  6. Wear More Layers
    Sometimes to sweat a little more, I wear more layers of clothing when I workout. This makes me hot when I workout causing me to sweat more!

I hope these tips help you get your sweat on! Let me know if any of them worked for you or and please share your tips on what makes you sweat more during your workouts! Also don’t forget to follow me on my fitness instagram and facebook page!